Innovation and reliability

Cutting-edge products and services

Change is a key characteristic of our times. Insurance products and services also have to reflect new behaviours, rising living standards and changes in habits. This cross-section of examples shows how quick and innovative VIG is in expanding its product portfolio.

Advice by video telephone. In addition to a completely new range of apps, Wiener Städtische Austria is setting new standards in customer communications with its innovative video advisory service. The Wiener Städtische website can be used either to start a video advisory session right away, or to schedule a session. All the customer needs for this is a desktop or laptop computer with a microphone and camera. Apps are available free of charge for customers who want to use a mobile device to receive advice.

Mobile app for emergencies. The Slovakian VIG company Kooperativa has developed a mobile solution called “Help App” that offers practical help for its customers in emergency situations. Thanks to the “Help App”, users know what they have to do in the case of a traffic accident, theft or natural disaster, for example. A practical tool that helps customers do the right thing in an emergency.

Digital signatures – easier and less paper. In accordance with the digital age, the Czech company Kooperativa is giving customers the option to sign using digital biometric characteristics. Customers benefit from a more convenient way of handling their correspondence, and the environment benefits from the use of less paper.

Provital Junior billboard (photo, © Komunálna)

Unique protection for children. Komunálna offers a product that is unique in the Slovakian insurance market. Going under the name of Provital Junior, it offers children a combination of accident insurance and future provisions for use when they are of legal age – such as funding for a course of study, a wedding or purchasing their own home.

Flexible travel insurance by SMS. In collaboration with local mobile phone providers, Union Biztosító Hungary is offering travel insurance that can be purchased via SMS. As soon as mobile phone users enter a foreign network, an SMS is sent asking whether they would like to purchase travel insurance. A reply SMS is sent to purchase the insurance, which is then charged to the mobile phone account. Nothing could be easier.

Targeting cancer risk. Donau Versicherung in Austria also wants to do something about the increasing risk of cancer. Its new cancer insurance provides benefits immediately when malignant cancer is diagnosed. The insured can also obtain a second medical opinion from internationally renowned experts. This can measurably improve the chances of treatment.

Online advertisement for Skandia's digital insurance solutions (photo, © Skandia)

Car insurance via mobile phone. The Polish VIG company Skandia provides a user-friendly, non-bureaucratic mobile app for its customers to purchase motor vehicle insurance. Another mobile solution provides a detailed overview of all existing policies. Skandia is one of the most innovative insurers in Poland when it comes to digitisation.